

If you’ve read our manga, you may have noticed some repetition or overlap between some of the stories. The truth is, yes, some of these stories are inspired by the same passages as others (for example, ‘Two Kings’ & ‘A Place at the Table’, or ‘On the Road to...
What’s so good about the Good Samaritan?

What’s so good about the Good Samaritan?

The last few Waypoints stories are based on parables — stories Jesus told when He was teaching. Among these, two stories are based on the same parable — commonly known as “The Good Samaritan.” One of these manga brought the parable into a modern setting in an attempt...
What’s Your Worth?

What’s Your Worth?

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?   It’s interesting to see what people are willing to pay for things. The price for something is determined by a number of things. This includes how common or rare it is, and how many people want or need it. So,...
A Cross-Cultural Encounter

A Cross-Cultural Encounter

This month’s Waypoints manga, “The Well,” features a cross-cultural encounter. We live in a time when many people around the world are divided over cultural differences. At best this keeps people at a distance from each other, but at its worst it leads to...
The Calm During the Storm

The Calm During the Storm

No doubt you’ve heard the expression, “The calm before the storm.” The literal meaning of this comes from talking about the weather. They say that before a big storm, there’s often a short period of time when the weather is really calm and quiet. But...
The Message of “What do you Want?”

The Message of “What do you Want?”

“What do You Want?” is a Waypoints manga based on a story from the Bible (Matthew 20:29-34) about two blind men. At the time of Jesus, being blind was a lot harder than it is today. When we meet our two blind friends, they’re sitting by the side of the road....