Manga -

“Waypoints” is an online manga anthology series produced in Japan, with art by a variety of international cartoonists, featuring stories about characters at waypoints in their lives  — life-changing encounters that set them on a new path.

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Hi everyone! It’s been a while since our last update, so we wanted to bring you up to date. Work...

Season 3 Finale Previews

Waypoints is back after a long winter break! We’ve got two new manga coming your way to finish off...

What else could YOU do?

Do you ever find yourself saying, “What else could I do?” Do you ever feel like there’s no other...

Just One Thing

In the Waypoints manga “Bread Alone” (based on Luke 10:38-42) we meet a woman named Martha. She’s...

Have a Seat

In Waypoints season 2, one of our stories was called “Bread Alone,” illustrated by Masiu. This...