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Note: Japanese manga reads from right to left

Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 001
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 002
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 003
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 004
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 005
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 006
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 007
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 008
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 009
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 010
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 011
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 012
Waypoints007 the Storm Eng 013

Thank you for reading “The Storm,” a Waypoints manga by Robin White and Zach Motts. We’d love it if you would check the blog post related to the themes of this story. Lastly, if you’d like to help us out, please follow us on social media (links at the bottom of every page on this site) and share our stories with your friends! We hope these can be good conversation starters to talk about deeper things.